Finding a job is always the first priority as an immigrant. However, one also needs to blend into a country’s culture mentally and emotionally to feel completely settled. Here’s a workshop to create a happy, win-win situation within and outside.
Little steps achieve big goals. Settling in a new country may seem like a long journey, but one can simplify it. Let’s set 1-year goals - financial, mental, emotional and physical. Then, with the help of community, just power through.
How? What? Should I? We know changes bring up many questions. Don’t let these bog you down. Through these workshops, you will go easy, learn to believe in your choices, accept the new and welcome the changes that life offers.
Ask and receive, support and be supported - welcome to community living. You don’t feel lonely in a new country anymore. Join us in creating a new family and support each other, express yourself, and live a happy life - together.
Thinking out of the box is always a winning game in any life. The innovative gene of an individual needs constant nudging – which is exactly what our workshops aim at doing. Through these sessions, get set to discover what else is possible.