Using cognitive modalities such as Mindfulness, Yoga, Theatre and introspective tools, the program helps clients experience enhanced growth, wellbeing and development.
It is conducted by our lead facilitators Prashant Chawla and Karishma Birdy who come with an intensive education and experience in leadership training. Having worked with more than 5000+ individuals and 40+ organizations globally, they use cognitive and mindfulness modalities in creating a holistic experience for clients.
Working professionals, adults, women, seniors and equity deserving population, and many more
Persons with or without disabilities have the potential to upskill and grow into a leader in their own capacity. This program helps them to learn, showcase and develop their potential for career and employment. Mindfulness, Drama and cognitive modalities are used to develop their confidence, public speaking and other relevant skills. These skills in conjunction with job coaching and interviewing skills support people in grabbing work opportunities.
Diversity is a strength with which some of the biggest obstacles can be overcome. These workshops demonstrate the strength that each team member can gain by accepting and respecting each other’s individuality. As a result, they become a power-packed team, inclusively for your organization.
I – Me – You – He – She -They = Same | Equal & Opposite I Include everyone I Diversity Theater I Unconscious Bias
The next level of leadership takes place for working professionals who want to jump up the corporate ladder. Today’s leadership involves innovation, compassion and inspiration. People evolve into mature leaders with our global leadership tools and experiences.
Leadership Theatre I Consciousness in Leadership I The Next Level
Thinking out of the box is always a winning game in any organization. The innovative gene of an individual needs constant nudging – which is exactly what our workshops aim at doing. Through these sessions, leaders discover what else is possible.
Innovation@Work | Innovation Theater I Think Beyond